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Women of Impact: From Biblical Times to Modern Heroes

Throughout history, women have played pivotal roles in shaping our world. From the pages of the Bible to the present day, their influence and contributions have been profound. In this blog post, I  will explore five remarkable women, two from biblical times, and three from modern times, who have left an indelible mark on society. Additionally, I will highlight seven qualities that women possess, which, when nurtured, can bring tremendous benefit to society and the world at large. I have been a beneficiary of such, I still vividly and forever remember my mother’s confidence and unwavering support and faith in me when I was to write my final grade seven examination. She was able to convince my father that I can pass the examination which came to pass because the ability and power of a believing and nurturing woman. My life has been nurtured my great women, my mother when I was younger her voice of trust and confidence in me still lingers in my ears up to date. The unwavering faith and support of my loving wife has been very unbelievably patient to see me transform to man of impact and wisdom kudos to her. Her counsel and nurturing are always at hand for my benefit. 

Here are some examples form the bible and modern times.

Wisdom personified as a woman: In the Book of Proverbs, wisdom is often personified as a woman. Proverbs 8:1-36, for example, describes wisdom as a woman calling out to people, offering guidance and understanding. This personification highlights the connection between wisdom and justice, as wisdom is essential for making just decisions.

1. Deborah (Biblical Times):

Deborah, a prophetess and judge in ancient Israel, exemplified strong leadership and faith. Her wisdom and discernment guided the nation during a critical time. Deborah’s qualities of leadership and spiritual insight remind us of the power of women’s voices and their ability to inspire change. (Judges 4:4-5). You are the Deborah the nation of Zambia is looking for, check it the nation of Israel was found wanting until this woman took over handling all cases of wisdom. Today on this special day I charge every woman of valor to rise to the occasion of sorting out many societal issues that the nation of Zambia is facing.

2. Esther (Biblical Times):

Esther, a Jewish queen of Persia, fearlessly used her position to save her people from impending genocide. Her bravery, strategic thinking, and willingness to take risks demonstrated the potential impact women can have when they rise up to confront injustice and fight for what is right. (Esther 4:14). I know for sure in the deep corners, in the nooks of this nation there is a woman who will respond to the challenge of leading a nation to victory. You are queen not diva that we have been waiting for, the time is now.

3. Malala Yousafzai (Modern Times):

The story of this woman is so inspirational and challenging to the core. I charge every woman that inside you there is a Malala who needs a bit of awakening and I am very sure by this article you will start to rise to change things in line with the unique ability that God has packaged in you.

Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist, became a global symbol of courage and education advocacy. Despite facing adversity and surviving an assassination attempt, she never wavered in her dedication to promoting education for girls. Malala’s resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to equality remind us of the transformative power of education and the potential for young women to drive change. (Source: “I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban”).

4. Rosa Parks (Modern Times):

Rosa Parks, an African-American civil rights activist, ignited a movement by refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Her act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott and became a catalyst for the broader civil rights movement. Rosa Parks’ courage, perseverance, and unwavering belief in equality inspire us to stand up against injustice and fight for a more just and inclusive society. (Source: “Rosa Parks: My Story”)

This story of this woman who stood up when all the heavy men gave up their seats is a such a wonder, she was actually small in stature but with a big heart. Her story is replicated in our nation in the likes of Mama Julia Chikamoka, Mama Lucy Sichone, Chief Justice Mambilima, Mama and many others. The season for you to rise up and empty yourself of the gift of God in you for the benefit of society is now.

5. Mother Teresa (Modern Times):

This little woman in stature but large than life woman impacted the whole starting with meagre salary of a teacher. I know there is a you rising up in the small unknown corner of the world to fit in and continue from where this woman left. I am talking to you, dont let that dream die down because of the envirnment you are in. Believe in that dream and it will come to pass.

Mother Teresa, an Albanian-Indian nun and missionary, dedicated her life to serving the poorest of the poor. Through her selfless acts of compassion and love, she brought hope and dignity to countless individuals. Mother Teresa’s kindness, empathy, and devotion to serving others remind us of the profound impact that acts of love and service can have in transforming lives and communities. (Source: Missionaries of Charity website)

Qualities Women Possess for the Benefit of Society:

1. Empathy:

Women often possess a natural ability to empathize with others, fostering understanding and compassion in their interactions. This quality allows them to connect deeply with people’s needs, fostering empathy-driven initiatives and creating pathways for change. This is something that keeps baffling me on a daily basis and it is a power that so attractive and caring and its effects is out of this world.

2. Resilience:

Women have shown remarkable resilience in the face of adversity. They possess the strength to overcome challenges, push boundaries, and persist in the pursuit of their goals. This resilience enables them to overcome obstacles and inspire others to do the same. I keep looking and my mother, wife, daughter and other females in my little life and dangerously amazed by their resilience to issues of life.

3. Collaboration:

Women are adept at building and nurturing relationships. They excel at fostering collaboration and teamwork, recognizing the power of collective efforts. By encouraging collaboration, women create inclusive environments that foster innovation and progress. I am seeing how women are rising in my nation Zambia a good example are the social groups of Ichilimba, kitchen party committees, wedding party issues and latest groups of groceries they really amaze me with the collaboration. It is the amazing half of God packaged in the female figure.

4. Intuition:

Women often possess a keen sense of intuition, allowing them to tap into their instincts and make insightful decisions. This intuitive nature helps them navigate complex situations, make empathetic choices, and find innovative solutions to societal challenges.I have come to a conclusion that my wife is so good in this, I have been beaten hands down though the stabbonness in me still instead want this ability.

5. Empowerment:

Women have the ability to empower others, lifting them up and inspiring them to reach their full potential. They recognize the importance of supporting and encouraging individuals, fostering personal growth, and creating a more equitable and inclusive society.They naturally do it so well and I am a beneficiary of this.

6. Adaptability:

Women exhibit remarkable adaptability in the face of change. They embrace new circumstances and perspectives, finding creative solutions to emerging challenges. This adaptability allows them to thrive in dynamic environments and lead transformative change.

7. Vision:

Women often possess a visionary mindset, envisioning a better future and working tirelessly to make it a reality. Their ability to see beyond the present and imagine positive change inspires others and drives progress on a global scale.

The impact of women throughout history is undeniable. From biblical heroines to modern-day trailblazers, women have demonstrated remarkable qualities that have shaped the world. By nurturing qualities such as empathy, resilience, collaboration, intuition, empowerment, adaptability, and vision, women can continue to make significant contributions to society and create a more equitable and inclusive world for all. Let us celebrate and uplift women, recognizing their immense potential and the transformative power they possess.

Happy women’s day!


Nondo Musonda-Life Transformation Coach,Pastor, Banker & Farmer

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