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Women’s day “Innovative Women Who Paved the Way for Gender Equality: From the Bible to the Digital Age”

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the remarkable achievements of women throughout history and you as a woman reading this you are included, I celebrate you. From the women of the Bible to contemporary female leaders, women have made significant contributions to society and inspired others to make a difference. Today, I highlight ten inspiring women who have used their gifts and talents to pave the way for gender equality, from biblical times to the digital age.

Mary, the mother of Jesus: Mary’s faith, courage, and obedience to God’s will are an inspiration to women today. She is a model of humility and grace, and her devotion to her son, Jesus, is an example of sacrificial love which you as a woman you already have. (Luke 1:38)

Ruth: Ruth’s loyalty, kindness, and willingness to sacrifice for her family are virtues that you as a woman can aspire to today. Her story also shows that God rewards those who remain faithful and committed to Him. (Ruth 1-4)

Esther: Esther’s bravery and strategic thinking in the face of danger saved her people from destruction. Her story demonstrates that you as a woman can be a powerful and effective leader, even in the most challenging circumstances. (Esther 1-10)

Deborah: Deborah’s leadership, wisdom, and prophetic voice were instrumental in leading her people to victory. She is a reminder that you as a woman have been called by God to lead and use your gifts for His purposes. (Judges 4-5)

Priscilla: Priscilla’s partnership with her husband Aquila in spreading the Gospel and teaching others is an example of how you as a woman can use your gifts and talents in ministry or business. Her story shows that you as a woman can play a vital role in building up the Church or any organization on earth. (Acts 18:24-28).

Let’s come into our modern times;

Malala Yousafzai: Malala is a Pakistani activist and Nobel laureate who advocates for girls’ education and women’s rights. Her courage and determination in the face of adversity is to inspire you as a woman in the world to speak out and make a difference. (

Michelle Obama: Michelle Obama is a lawyer, author, and former First Lady of the United States. Her advocacy for education, health, and empowerment of girls and women has made a significant impact on communities around the world. You too can touch some girl nearby you, even just by giving hope through words better action. (

Oprah Winfrey: Oprah is a media mogul, philanthropist, and advocate for social justice. Her story of overcoming poverty and abuse to become one of the most successful and influential women in the world is an inspiration to you as a woman. (

Angela Merkel: Angela Merkel is a physicist and politician who served as the Chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021. Her leadership and commitment to democracy, human rights, and global cooperation have earned her international acclaim and admiration. There is a seed of leadership in you as a woman nurture it for the sake of us.  (

Kamala Harris: Kamala Harris is a lawyer and politician who served as the first female, Black, and South Asian Vice President of the United States. Her groundbreaking achievement and leadership in public service in enough inspiration to you as a woman to break down barriers and pursue your dreams. (


As we celebrate these remarkable women, we are reminded of the importance of continuing to strive for gender equality in all areas of life. Let us be inspired by their courage, determination, and resilience to continue to work towards a world where all women have equal opportunities to thrive and succeed.


On this International Women’s Day, let us commit to supporting and empowering women in our communities and around the world. Whether it’s by advocating for women’s rights, mentoring young girls, or simply listening to and learning from the experiences of the women in our lives, we can all make a difference. Let us celebrate the achievements of women, past and present, and continue to work towards a more equitable and just world for all.

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30 Days of Acronym

Hey, I’m Nondo Musonda. I am a Life coach  I help individuals discover their authentic selves by developing in the four dimensions of life. If you want to receive notifications about my latest posts, please register with your email address.